Is anyone in panic mode?
Still so much to do and You haven’t finished shopping??
Here are some fun last minute gifts!
More on Thursday night Fox 5 at 6:00 pm.
I will post them all here on Friday too along with the video.
PLUS one of the gifts I am featuring on air is giving an AWESOME prize,
so be sure to check back Friday to enter!!

Mini Perfume collection in cocktail shaker bottles
Mini Emergency Kits $11.99 ( contains earring backs, double sided tape, stain remover, breath freshener (LOVE THIS!!))
Pocket Posh Game Book $7.99
The Classics Pretty Novels with gorgeous covers ( Donation) $16.99
Use code ‘GIFT2010’ for 20% Off Gift Cards at Shabby Apple
8 Stila Lip Glaze $25 ( 3 pack similar set at J.crew for $24.99)
Make your Own Modern Art $29.99

Toothbrush Holder $5.99
Drinking Glasses $3.99
Lap Desk
Toddler Creature Shoes $19.99
Mini Foosball Table $36
Baseball Card Case
3-D Drawing $6.99
Snack Time $4.99