Ribbon Charms Necklace $15 and up www.stelladot.com/jenniferrosson
Mini Manicure Sets in sparkly case $5.50 Charlotte Russe.com
Perfect Tea Maker and gourmet looseleaf tea set, from Teavana.com $20 and up
Cashmere Scarf Charlotte Russe $25
Mom’s/Mother in Law
Initial Necklaces $30 and up StellaDot.com/jenniferrosson
Book, Soap/Lotion, Nightlight set from Rustic Rooster.com
Barcelona bag with Pillow and Throw Rustic Rooster.com
Service person
Hair Stylist , Nail Tech, Cleaning Person, Landscaper
Massage, Restaurant Dream Dinners Gift Card
Glitter Wallet J.Crew $20 and up

Neighbor / Hostess
Tabletopics Game $20 ( Z Gallerie)
Funny Coasters and Napkins $9.95 ( Z Gallerie)
A-Z Wine Charms $29 ( Pottery Barn)
Bobble ( refillable water bottle to filter tap water)
Mini Italian Esspresso Maker ( Restoration Hardware)

My Clicker Remote with built in bottle opener $24 free shipping on http://www.myclicker.com/
Fold and Play mini speakers for MP3 ipods West Elm $20
Music Listography Book West Elm$16.95
Book- Stuff Everyman Should Know West Elm $9.95 (everything from how to sew a button to what to tip the bellhop to how to order a bottle of wine).
Book Pig.com $8 a month and up (like Netflix) FREE one YEAR subscription
African Frog Eco System $29.99 wildcreations.com