Well it is Monday again, and let me tell you ladies, we are getting a touch of winter in Southern California.
It rained and rained and rained all last week and it has been very cool for us. I know it isn’t snowing, or even really “freezing”. But it is seriously cold for us wimps.
So I am really looking/craving warm outfits!
Hipster Boot cut Jeans Victoria’s Secret $60
Wrap Sweater Victoria’s Secret $39
I saw a VERY similar sweater at Neiman’s for a LOT more.
Perfect T-shirt Old Navy $10
Handbag Piperlime (sale) $49.99
Aviator Sunglasses Tom Ford at Overstock $139
Pink Floral Necklace Loleys & Co. $15
Charles David Pumps at Nordstrom $125