Pretty Neat Designs visits Style Your Life – Three Season Dressing
Hello Style Your Life readers, I’m Cindy from Pretty Neat Designs, and I’m so honored to be guest blogging while Jennifer and her family enjoy a wonderful warm weather vacation! And with the temperatures in Boston barely reaching the teens, I’m feeling pretty jealous of all you warm weather dwellers and vacationers.
Jennifer’s vacation got me thinking about having clothes at the ready for all different types of weather. That is basically what three-season dressing is all about. Buying clothes that you can wear for three seasons is one of the best ways to stretch your fashion dollar. Here are some three-season ideas.
Open toe shoes can be stretched into a cooler season if worn with come colorful or textured tights. I hear you out there. You are shouting “What?! Stockings with open toe shoes?!” No need to get all your feathers ruffled. It’s OK. Its not the socks and sandals horror you think it is. I’m probably not much of an authority, but check the magazines, you’ll see them, I promise!
Skirts are another great three-season option. Bare legs with sandals in the summer, tights with open toe shoes in the fall, and tights or leggings with boots for winter.
I hope you enjoy all the guest bloggers while Jennifer is enjoying her cruise, the lucky lady!